Tuesday, August 19, 2008

#16 So what's in a wiki?
I think that's it's interesting that several of the wiki links in the exercise are for tools that I discovered and commented on in earlier exercises. At the very least, I think that that illustrates that good ideas are usually easily recognizable. Also, since I have already commented on several of these, I'd like to just mention a new, at least I think, idea for Teen services to consider creating and adding to toolbox. That said, we can work on creating an resource page to add to our JPL Website Teen Page and our MySpace which bundles resources including tutorials were possible to cover or catalog, our databases, our recommended websites, wiki's, etc. As is, throughout the school year, we provide and e-classroom experience for groups as well as standard reference services for subjects such as Women's and African American history. (In addition, in the past, we also began work on a pathfinder that never came-to-be. Anyone know what happened with that project?)

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