Saturday, July 26, 2008

How cool is this? More fun! Ya'll gotta play with all the goodies out there. This stuff is really groovy and there are lots of library-related applications to think up ;)
Made using the nifty "Mat" tools...
How cool is this ya'll? Go to the Pocket Album at to follow the creation and folding directions. This custom image can be cut and folded into a little book. Very cool!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

To blog feed or not to blog feed, that is the question, or is it? Hum, well, right off the bat, Feedster is no longer around. Add, the other feed sites were okay. Honestly though, I have to repeat myself here, our connection speed is so slow these days that I don't see an advantage to using these sites when I'd rather go to a few good, known sources. Otherwise, am I missing something really major here? Perhaps the issue is or is not that as a Teen Librarian, we don't rely on news sources the same way Adult or Special Services might...That's my two cents for now. Over and out.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Discovery #8: RSS'ssssssss
Yes, like the supposed majority, it was only recently during Staff Development Day 2008 that I got the "ah ha" on RSS's. Still, like my blog, sometime back I created a Bloglines account (which I then abandoned for at and .

So, I've cleaned up the libraryladylove Bloglines because it had so much junk on it. Side note, our network connection has really slowed down in the past couple of weeks. The reduced speed makes sitting around and waiting for Bloglines to load a task for patience. Still, I've been "cooking" ideas in my head for ways to apply all of these new tools to the Teen Services. What follows are Discovery Exercise leads:

Don’t know what to blog about? Think about these questions:
What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
Though I don't have an article to direct you to, I do have a comment for assignment #7 regarding technology. In brief, I have been THRILLED to stay connected, even more so actually, to the art & design community mostly via blogs since moving to Jacksonville from Atlanta over 5 years ago. In addition to aiding in professional development, my personal habitual blog-watching takes me to 2 locales in particular including and . These blogs are responsible for providing a steady stream of "art joy". I hope the everyone out there has wonderous online places that they can go to get many hits of the same!
The following letters were borrowed from Flickr using the mashup software Flikr Spell found at .

Alphabet Block r
Originally uploaded by Leo Reynolds


Originally uploaded by urbanmkr


Originally uploaded by Leo Reynolds
What I learned about Web 2.0 today...You have to upload images in a backwards formation.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dismantled Neon Letter D

Dismantled Neon Letter
Originally uploaded by Quasimondo

READ Hockney from Big Huge Labs

Have you ever?

READ Beaded on Big Huge Labs

...More mashup fun!

READ Worholized using Big Huge Labs

Oh what fun mashup's can be!

READ Rug Pillow

READ Rug Pillow
Originally uploaded by arthousejax
As many of you may know, we have a lot of fun in the Main Teen Department coming up with creative projects for our teen volunteers that help to make our space comfy and stimulating. Last summer we designed and fabricated this original pillow made from found 70's latch-hook rug carpet materials. The result - teens seem to love it as they are regularly caught clutching it much like a teddy-in-disguise. Be sure to come and check out our department sometime for more handmade surprises!

Friday, July 18, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

JPL Web 2.0 "7 & 1/2 Exercise" - repeat for the purpose of posting

hello all,
so far - soooooo good ya'll! i'm really excited about the jpl 2.0 project as the timing and approach is right on the mark. for starters, i especially dig stephen abram's work. (i was also fortunate to hear his visionary speak at the 2007 fla conference in buena vista.) in add, how can you go wrong by following plcmc and helene blowers in particular? her online 7 & 1/2 habits and lifelong learner tutorials are clear, effective, and just right for laying the foundation for the independent/interdependent web 2.0 learning. lastly, going along with the exercise, the easiest learning habit for me is "accept responsibility for your own learning." i would say this is so because i have always struggled to learn in a formal environment and so HAD to learn to find creative solutions that worked for my needs. next, "view problems as a challenge" definately gets the cake for being my weakest habit as i know i can easily get flustered and feel left behind. still, experience has proven that the best "tool" for managing this learning block is to try as hard as i can to learn independently THEN seek as much outside help from as many knowledgeable sources as need be.