Monday, August 18, 2008

#13 Thing
For this exercise, we were asked to explore PLCMCL2's bookmarks, tags, and bundles and comment on the possible uses. As a Teen Librarian, I was particularly interested in the YALSA and the "Teens - Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki" bookmarks. As is, though it is not challenging to follow teen-related trends, it's interesting and exciting to see what and how other organizations are also riding them, the trend waves that it. I also think you can pretty quickly assess who makes the Who's Who list for technically active Teen Libraries. Along those lines, you can already see how many of these tools are already a bit outdated, in spite of the usefullness. Still, there's no reason to not take full advantage of some of the possibilities, keeping in mind that duplications aren't overlooked as that can cause overkill and even reverse effects. For example, Princeton has an index of summer reading reviews from several years back that could be great for independent book clubs. As a side, I also noted that one site wrote about how they were going to be able to have customer reviews built right into their catalog. Now that cool and very Web 2.0!

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